Exactly 133 audit results were newly published in the second quarter of 2024 in the EUROSAI Database of Audits. As of 3O June 2024, the total number of audits shared there was 4,577.

Audits uploaded to the Database in the second quarter of 2024 were as usual focused on interesting various aspects of human society. Among others, it is worth mentioning the outputs related to the environment and changes caused by climate change. In the database you can find e.g. audit reports published by SAI Denmark focused on marine pollution as well as transparency of outcomes of green programme. SAI France focused on quantitative water management in times of climate change and as well as how mountain resorts face this phenomenon. SAI United Kingdom, on the contrary, focused on government support for biomass. But not only environment was in centre of SAIs’ interest. SAI Belgium shared its experience with the audit on new prisons built under public‐private partnerships. Other audit reports were aimed e.g. at collection of compulsory levies (SAI France) or tax measures to encourage economic growth (SAI United Kingdom). SAI Austria shared an audit report on corruption prevention in real estate transaction and SAI Sweden an audit on money loundering. Further topics of published reports were e.g. rights of child (SAI Sweden), housing support (SAI Sweden, SAI Czech Republic), road safety (SAI Belgium) or violence and victim protection (SAI Austria).

Specific information not only about audits mentioned above can be found in the Database of Audits. You can also view the visualisation of the statistical data as of 30 June 2024 in this interactive map. SAI Czech Republic, who is responsible for the Database, highly appreciates the work of all EUROSAI members, who devote their time to sharing their knowledge through the EUROSAI Database of Audits.